UoP Crest
UoP Crest

Faculty of Science

University of Peradeniya

Faculty of Science

University of Peradeniya

Library Facilities

Main Library

The Main Library which is about 500 meters away from the Faculty provides lending and reading facilities to all registered students. Students are advised to get to know the general rules of the library and use its resources and services for their benefit. Further details can be obtained either from the Librarian or by referring to “A Brief Guide to the Main Library”.

Science Library is situated between the Chemistry and the Biology buildings. Books relevant to all the subjects covered by the Departments of the Faculty are available for borrowing and reference.

Students may make use of three other University Libraries. They are :

The Science Faculty students may use these libraries for reference work only.

The following libraries may also be used by students.

Students may use these libraries with the prior permission of the respective librarians or after obtaining the membership.