UoP Crest
UoP Crest

Faculty of Science

University of Peradeniya

Faculty of Science

University of Peradeniya

Dean's Office

About - Dean's Office

The Dean is the Chief Administrative Head of the Faculty and the Office of the Dean is the administrative center of the Faculty. In addition the Office of the Dean is responsible for Student Registration and Student Services, Conducting Examinations and releasing results, issuing certificates and financial administration. The Dean is assisted by the Assistant Registrar, Assistant Bursar and a team of Clerical, Technical and other non-academic staff members.

Following divisions are established In order to accomplish the tasks of the Dean’s office:

Staff Members @ Dean's Office

Dean's Office

Prof. R. G. S. C. Rajapakse

+94 81 238 9126, +94 81 239 4400
Senior Assistant Registrar
Mrs. D.M.I.N.J. Dissanayake

+94 81 239 4401
arsci@sci.pdn.ac.lk, sar@sci.pdn.ac.lk
Telephone Operator/Receptionist Gr I
Mrs. Nirusha Peramuna

+94 81 239 4404
Secretary to the Dean/Management Assistant Gr II
Mrs. Thakshila D. Herath

+94 81 239 4403
Management Assistant Gr III
Miss. Aupama S. Ranawansha

+94 81 239 4404
Management Assistant Gr III
Mr. Sampath P. Bandara

+94 81 239 4404
Works Aid Gr I
Mr. H.M.J. Abeyrathna

+94 81 239 4404
Works Aid Gr I
Mrs. S. Renukadevi

+94 81 239 4404
Driver Gr II
Mr. R.M.C.U.K. Rathanayake

+94 81 239 4404
Driver Gr I
Mr. S.H.M.J.N.B. Samarakoon

+94 81 239 4404
Driver Gr II
Mr. H.M.R.P. Herath

+94 81 239 4404
Driver Gr I
Mr. Rasika T. Gunarathna

+94 81 239 4404

Accounts Branch

Senior Assistant Bursar
Mr. M.H.M. Riyas

+94 81 239 4402
Staff Assistant
Mrs. K.M.G.H. Piyarathna

+94 81 239 4402
Management Assistant Gr. III
Mr. W M S N Senevirathne

+94 81 239 4402
Management Assistant Gr. III (Book-keeper)
Ms. J.M.U.D. Sampath

+94 81 239 4402
Works Aid
Ms. R K J Chathurika

+94 81 239 4402

Course Unit Office

Management Assistant Gr I
Mrs. Gayathri Samarakoon

+94 81 239 4411

Course Unit Office

Student registrations, course registration on each semesters, student results analyzing and transcript issuing are handled by the Course Unit Office.

Accounts Branch

All financial requirements are handled by the Accounts Branch.

Printing Unit

All printing requirements of the Faculty and Monographs and Books written by the Faculty members are printed in the Printing Unit.

Computer Unit

Following a policy decision of the University Grants Commission to promote the use of computers in higher education, a computer unit in the Faculty of Science was established in June 1984.