K Samaraweera, RD Nawarathna, SR Kodituwakku (2024). Converting wireframe images to UI designs using conditional adversarial networks. Rescon2024, .
K Liyanaarachchi, HTK Abeysundara, SR Kodituwakku (2024). Sentiment Analysis Using 1-of-m and Log-m Character-Level Embedding Algorithms with Deep Learning. ICAC, : 13-18.
Business Research Unit (BRU)
PC Abeysiriwardana, UK Jayasinghe-Mudalige, SR Kodituwakku (2023). Role of key performance indicators targeting the research on business innovation in the commercial agri-food sector. Business Research Unit (BRU), .
PC Abeysiriwardana, UK Jayasinghe-Mudalige, SR Kodituwakku (2023). Qualitative Inquiries by Transitioning to ‘Digital Methods’: A Case Study on Leaders’ Perspectives of Agriculture Research Management by Key Performance Indicators. Metamorphosis, 2: 178-192.
“Connected researches ”in “smart lab bubble ”: A lifeline of techno-society space for commercial agriculture development in “new normal ”
SN Social Sciences
PC Abeysiriwardana, UK Jayasinghe-Mudalige, SR Kodituwakku (2022). Intelligently driven performance management: an enabler of real-time research forecasting for innovative commercial agriculture. SN Social Sciences, 2: 168.
arXiv preprint
PC Abeysiriwardana, UK Jayasinghe-Mudalige, SR Kodituwakku (2021). Connected Researches" in" Smart Lab Bubble": A Lifeline for Commercial Agriculture in" New Normal. arXiv preprint, .
2021 IEEE World AI IoT Congress (AIIoT)
LJ Ekanayake, RD Nawarathna, SR Kodituwakku, RD Yapa (2021). A Systematic Approach for Scheduling IoT Devices for Effective Load Balancing Based on Deep Sleep. 2021 IEEE World AI IoT Congress (AIIoT), : 0407-0412.
Ceylon Journal of Science
KR Wijeweera, SR Kodituwakku (2021). An efficient planar incremental convex hull algorithm to find the edges of the boundary polygon of the convex hull of a set of points. Ceylon Journal of Science, 50: 261-268.
Ruhuna Journal of Science
KR Wijeweera, SR Kodituwakku, MAP Chamikara (2019). A novel and efficient approach for line segment clipping against a convex polygon. Ruhuna Journal of Science, 10 (2): 161 - 173.
Ceylon Journal of Science
K. R. Wijeweera and S. R. Kodituwakku (2018). On the convex layers of a planer dynamic set of points. Ceylon Journal of Science, 2: 165 - 174.
Ruhuna Journal of Science
KR Wijeweera, SR Kodituwakku, (2017). A simple algorithm for calculating the area of an arbitrary polygon. Ruhuna Journal of Science, 8 (1).
Information Theory (ISIT), 2017 IEEE International Symposium
DI De Silva, N Kodagoda, SR Kodituwakku, AJ Pinidiyaarachchi, (2017). Analysis and enhancements of a cognitive based complexity measure. Information Theory (ISIT), 2017 IEEE International Symposium, : 241–245.
Ceylon Journal of Science
KR Wijeweera, SR Kodituwakku, (2017). Convex partitioning of a polygon into smaller number of pieces with lowest memory consumption. Ceylon Journal of Science, 46 (1).
Ceylon Journal of Science
KR Wijeweera, SR Kodituwakku, (2016). Accurate, simple and efficient triangulation of a polygon by ear removal with lowest memory consumption. Ceylon Journal of Science, 45 (3).
Ruhuna Journal of Science
KR Wijeweera, SR Kodituwakku, (2016). An approach for line clipping against a convex polyhedron. Ruhuna Journal of Science, 7 (1).
International Journal of Computer Applications
A Jayakody, R Samarasinghe, SR Kodituwakku, (2016). SecAODV: Lightweight Authentication for AODV Protocol. International Journal of Computer Applications, 137 (13).
Procedia Food Science
PC Abeysiriwardana, SR Kodituwakku, (2016). Evaluation of the use of web technology by government of Sri Lanka to ensure food security for its citizens. Procedia Food Science, 6: 82–91.
British Journal of Mathematics & Computer Science
PC Abeysiriwardana, SR Kodituwakku (2016). A Model for Web–Intelligence Index to Evaluate the Web Intelligence Capacity of Government Web Sites of Sri Lanka. British Journal of Mathematics & Computer Science, 12 (6): 1–12 .
Ceylon Journal of Science (Physical Sciences)
K. R. Wjeweera, S. R. Kodituwakku (2015). An algorithm to find the visible region of a polygon. Ceylon Journal of Science (Physical Sciences), V19(1): pp: 33 – 44 .
Ceylon Journal of Science (Physical Sciences)
K. R. Wjeweera, S. R. Kodituwakku (2015). An algorithm to find the largest circle inside a polygon. Ceylon Journal of Science (Physical Sciences), V19(1): pp: 45 – 54 .
International Journal of Trend in Research and Development
S. R. Kodituwakku (2015). Biometric Authentication: A Review. International Journal of Trend in Research and Development, V2(4): pp:113 – 123 .
NNGT Int. J. on Information Security
K.D.B.H. Subasinghe, H.S.C. Perera, S. R. Kodituwakku (2015). A Risk Analysis and Management Framework for Clouds utilizing Big Data and Security Informatics using the Hidden Markov Model in Analysis of Privacy in Opportunistic Social Media Networks. NNGT Int. J. on Information Security, V2(1): pp:1 – 6 .
International Journal of Computer Applications
A Galappaththi, MAP Chamikara, Y Yapa, S. R. Kodituwakku , J Gunatilake (2015). Identification of Neutral Members in Social Networks using a Distance and Fuzzy based Model. International Journal of Computer Applications, 119 (22).
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering
M. A. P. Chamikara, A. A. C. A. Jayathilake, S. R. Kodituwakku (2014). Fuzzy Based Statistical Method for Image Noise Filtering. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, V4(10): pp: 49 – 60 .
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering
M. A. P. Chamikara, A. A. C. A. Jayathilake, K. R. Wijeweera, S. R. Kodituwakku (2014). Fuzzy Neural Hybrid Method for Sinhala Character Recognition. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, V4(9): pp: 8 – 21 .
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications
K.D.B.H. Subasinghe, H.S.C. Perera, S. R. Kodituwakku (2014). A Risk Management Framework for Clouds Using Big Data and Security Informatics using Attack Trees and Hidden Markov Model in Analysis and Prediction of Risks in Social Media Networks. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, V4(11): pp: 1 – 5 .
Ceylon Journal of Science (Physical Sciences)
I. A. A. D. C. Alahakoon, S. R. Kodituwakku , J. Gunathilake (2014). Coordinate Transformation Tool for Anroid Mobile Devices. Ceylon Journal of Science (Physical Sciences), V18(1): pp: 41 – 49 .
International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE)
I. A. Kamani C. Samarasinghe, S. R. Kodituwakku , Roshan D. Yapa (2014). Understanding the Internet Usage Habits of the Students of University of the Visual & Performing Arts through Data Mining. International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE), V4(2): pp: 45 – 48 .
International Journal of Soft Computing and Enginee ring (IJSCE)
I. A. Kamani C. Samarasinghe, S. R. Kodituwakku , Roshan D. Yapa (2013). Data Mining and Service Customization in Leisure and Hospitality. International Journal of Soft Computing and Enginee ring (IJSCE), V3(5): pp: 24 – 29 .
International Journal of Research in Information Technology(IJRIT)
M.A.P. Chamikara, S. R. Kodituwakku , A. A. C. A Jayathilake, A. A. I. Perera (2013). An Algorithm to Construct Super–Symmetric Latin Squares of Order 2^n. International Journal of Research in Information Technology(IJRIT), Vol. (2): pp:38 – 50 .
International Journal of Science and Technology Research(IJSTR)
M.A.P. Chamikara, Y.P.R. D. Yapa, S. R. Kodituwakku , J. Gunathilake (2013). An efficient algorithm to detect the nearest location of a map for a given theme. International Journal of Science and Technology Research(IJSTR), Vol. 2(4): pp: 55 – 59 .
International Journal of International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering(IJSCE)
Gihan Kuruppu, S. R. Kodituwakku ,U. A. J. Pinidiyaarachchi (2013). High Speed Motion Tracking for Weightlifting based on Correlation Coefficient Template Matching. International Journal of International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering(IJSCE), Vol.2 (6): pp: 439 – 442 .
Ceylon Journal of Science (Physical Sciences)
S. R. Kodituwakku ,K. R. Wjeweera, M.A.P. Chamikara (2013). An efficient algorithm for line clipping in computer graphics programming. Ceylon Journal of Science (Physical Sciences), V17(1): pp: 1 – 7 .
International Journal of Research in Computer Science
Prabath Chaminda Abeysiriwardana, S. R. Kodituwakku (2012). Ontology based information extraction for disease intelligence. International Journal of Research in Computer Science, Vol.2 (6): pp: 7 – 19 .
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering
S. R. Kodituwakku ,K. R. Wjeweera, M.A.P. Chamikara (2012). An efficient line clipping algorithm for 3D space. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, Vol.2 (5): pp: 96 – 101 .
International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE)
M.A.P. Chamikara, Y.P.R. D. Yapa, S. R. Kodituwakku ,J. Gunathilake (2012). SL–SecureNet: Intelligent Policing Using Data Mining Techniques. International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE), Vol.2 (1): pp: 175 – 180 .
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering
D.M.H.U. Dissanayake and S. R. Kodituwakku (2012). Container Yard Route Planning System. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, Vol.2 (1).
Ceylon Journal of Science (Physical Sciences)
S. R. Kodituwakku , S. Selvarajah and U. A. J. Pinidiyaarachchi (2012). Towards the enhanced features for Content Based Image Retrieval. Ceylon Journal of Science (Physical Sciences), Vol. 16: pp: 1 – 8 .
International Journal of Latest trends in Computing (IJLTC)
P. D. C. R. Jayarathna, J. V. Wijayakulasooriya, and S. R. Kodithuwakku (2011). Fuzzy Logic and Neural Network Control Systems for Backing up a truck and a Trailer. International Journal of Latest trends in Computing (IJLTC), Vol.2 (3): pp: 370 – 377 .
International Journal of Latest trends in Computing (IJLTC)
T. M. D. K. Bandara, Y. P. R. D. Yapa and S. R. Kodithuwakku (2011). Simulation of Regression Analysis by an Automated System Utilizing Artificial Neural Networks. International Journal of Latest trends in Computing (IJLTC), Vol.2 (3): pp: 378 – 391 .
International Journal of Engineering Sciences research (IJESR)
Rathnayake N, Jayaweera P, and S. R. Kodithuwakku (2011). Pattern driven Patient Centered Collaboration Modeling in Clinic Management. International Journal of Engineering Sciences research (IJESR), Vol 02 (4).
Research Journal of Computer Systems and Engineering (RJCSE)
P. Arumainayagam, E.Y.A Charles and S. R. Kodithuwakku (2011). A review on Processing of Data Streams. Research Journal of Computer Systems and Engineering (RJCSE), Vol. 2: pp: 73 – 77 .
Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE)
S.R. Kodituwakku and U. S. Amarasinghe (2011). Comparison of Lossless Data Compression Algorithms for Text Data. Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE), Vol. 1 (4): pp: 416 – 426 .
International Journal of Latest trends in Computing (IJLTC)
Kodituwakku S. R. and Rambukwella A.I (2011). An enhanced algorithm for offline connected handwritten character segmentation. International Journal of Latest trends in Computing (IJLTC), Vol.2 (1): pp: 60 – 66 .
International Journal of Latest trends in Computing (IJLTC)
S. Selvarajah and S. R. Kodithuwakku (2011). Analysis and Comparison of Texture Features for Image Retrieval. International Journal of Latest trends in Computing (IJLTC), Vol.2 (1): pp:108 – 113 .
International Journal of Latest trends in Computing (IJLTC)
S. Selvarajah and S. R. Kodithuwakku (2011). Edge Colour Moments: An Enhanced Feature Descriptor for Content Based Image Retrieval. International Journal of Latest trends in Computing (IJLTC), Vol.2 (2): pp: .
International Journal of Latest trends in Computing (IJLTC)
Kodituwakku S. R. and Kanagasabapathy P. (2011). X2ORTRANS: A schema driven mapping for is–a relationship. International Journal of Latest trends in Computing (IJLTC), Vol.2 (2): pp: .
ARPN Journal of Systems and Software
S. Selvarajah and S. R. Kodithuwakku (2011). Performance Evaluation of Shape Features for Image Retrieval. ARPN Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 1 (1): pp: 12 – 18 .
In Proceedings of the ICIIS2011
S. Selvarajah and S. R. Kodithuwakku (2011). Combined Feature Descriptor for Content Based Image Retrieval. In Proceedings of the ICIIS2011, .
International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology
S. R. Kodituwakku (2010). Design and Implementation of Role Based Access Control System for Network Resources. International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 2(11): pp: 6617–6621 .
International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology
S. R. Kodituwakku and P. S. Nilanthi (2010). Investigating A Fuzzy Approach for Handwritten Sinhala Character Recognition. International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 2(11): 6031–6034 .
Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering
S. R. Kodituwakku (2010). The Administrator Object Pattern for Role Based Access Control. Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, Vol. 2 (12): pp: 7880–7884 .
Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering
S. R. Kodituwakku and S. Selvarajah (2010). Comparison of Color Features for Image Retrieval. Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, Vol. 1 (3): pp: 207–211 .
Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering
S. R. Kodituwakku and H. R. O. E. Dayarathna (2010). Statistical Approach to Optimize Master–Worker Allocation in Grid Computing. Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, Vol. 1 (3): pp: 212–221 .
Ceylon Journal of Science (Physical Sciences)
S. R. Kodituwakku and Pathum Chamikara (2009). CUBRAS: Design and implementation of the course unit based results analysis system. Ceylon Journal of Science (Physical Sciences), Vol. 15: pp: 27–39 .
NSF Journal
S. R. Kodituwakku and P. Bertok (2008). Mathematical Approach to Object Oriented Design Patterns. NSF Journal, vol. 36(3): pp 219 – 227 .
Journal of Science, University of Kelaniya
S. R. Kodituwakku (2008). Mathematical Structures in Pattern Organizations. Journal of Science, University of Kelaniya, Vol. 4: pp 46 – 67 .
Ceylon Journal of Science (Physical Sciences)
G. A. Samaraweera and Saluka R.K. (2007). Metamodel of Design Pattern Catalouge: Application to Automated Code Generation. Ceylon Journal of Science (Physical Sciences), Vol. 13: pp 37 – 44.
Ceylon Journal of Science (Physical Sciences)
D. M. Rasanjalee and Saluka R.K. (2007). Object–Orienetd software quality matrics. Ceylon Journal of Science (Physical Sciences), Vol. 13: pp. 7 – 16 .
Ceylon Journal of Science (Physical Sciences)
U.H.G.R.D Nawarathna and Sauka. R. K. (2007). A Fuzzy Role Based Access Control Model for Database Security. Ceylon Journal of Science (Physical Sciences), Vol. 13: pp. 25 – 35 .
Ceylon Journal of Science (Physical Sciences)
Bandara K. Y., Gunathilaka M. P., Saluka R.K. (2005). Semi–Intelligent SQL Framework for Relational Database Management Systems. Ceylon Journal of Science (Physical Sciences), Vol. 10: pp 47 – 53 .