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Department of Statistics & Computer Science

"Focused on providing the undergraduate students with the knowledge and skills in latest trends and technologies in the domain"

Department of Statistics and Computer Science can be seen as one of the most rapidly evolving departments in the Faculty of Science. Since its establishment in 1996, it has widened its capacity in terms of facilities as well as the number of students it caters over the years.

The department has a wide range of courses at the undergraduate level and has a strong tradition of 'hands on' teaching, providing students with the opportunity to mix course content and practical experience dealing with real world problems under supervision. This approach, coupled with our close involvement with industry, produces graduates who are highly regarded in the workplace.

The Department plays a major role in undergraduate education at the Faculty by offering/ contributing to multiple four year degree programs in addition to the general degree program. Currently, it offers two special degrees; Special Degree in Statistics, and Special Degree in Computer Science. It also coordinates the four year degree program in Computation and Management in collaboration with the Faculty of Management and the Faculty of Arts. Degree program in Statistics and Operation Research is also another four year degree program the Department mainly contributes to, in collaboration with the Department of Mathematics. Apart from these, the department also offers courses for the Applied Sciences Degree program.