Ecology and Evolution
Pathirana, N.U.K., Meegaskumbura, M. and Rajakaruna, R.S. (2019). Effects of the sequential exposure of two larval trematodes to Polypedates cruciger tadpoles. Ecology and Evolution, .
Canadian Journal of Zoology
Pathirana, N.U.K., Meegaskumbura, M. and Rajakaruna, R.S. (2019). Host resistance and tolerance to parasitism: age dependent fitness consequences in common hourglass tree frog Polypedates cruciger exposed to two larval trematodes. Canadian Journal of Zoology, .
Ceylon Journal of Science
Pathirana, N.U.K. and Rajakaruna, R.S. (2018). Trematode infections in frogs: Do all cercarial morphotypes infect and induce effects on the common hourglass tree frog, Polypedates cruciger? . Ceylon Journal of Science, .