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Dr. Jagath K. Gunatilake
Senior Lecturer
B.Sc. (Perad.), M.Sc. (AIT, Thailand), Ph.D. (Saga, Japan)
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About Me
Contact Details
Positions Held
Director of the Sri Lanka Japan Study Centre, University of Peradeniya- (2021-2024)
President – University of Peradeniya Science Teachers Association (UPSTA)- (2021)
Chairman – Education Committee of the Institute of Geology, Sri Lanka (IGSL)- (2020 – 2023)
Head – Department of Geology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Peradeniya- (July 2013 to July 2016)
Deputy Director/Consultancy– Center for Environmental Studies (CES), University of Peradeniya- (2018 todate)
Deputy Director/Training– Center for Environmental Studies (CES), University of Peradeniya- (2015-2017)
Deputy Coordinator– Center for Environmental Studies (CES), University of Peradeniya- (2006-2015)
Coordinator - MSc Program on Engineering Geology & Hydrogeology – PGIS,- (2011 todate)
Coordinator - MSc Program on GIS and Remote Sensing – PGIS- (2004 todate)
Coordinator - 120 Short Courses on GIS and Applications conducted at the PGIS- (2014 todate)
Coordinator - Short Courses on ISO14000 conducted by the Center for Environmental Studies, University of Peradeniya- (2015 – 2018)
Coordinator – Disaster Resilience Leadership Program conducted by Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre (ADPC) in collaboration with the PGIS, University of Peradeniya- (2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013.)
National Consultant – Coconut Research Institute (CRI, Lunuwila)- (2012 – 2015)
President of the Geoinformatics Society of Sri Lanka (GISSL)- (2008/2009)
President Geological Society of Sri Lanka GSSL- (2005/2006)
Secretary, Peradeniya University Science Teachers Association USTA-P- (2004-2005)
Acting Proctor – University of Peradeniya- (2010 -2012)
Deputy Proctor – Faculty of Science, University of Peradeniya- (2004 - 2011)
Editor of the Geological Society of Sri Lanka- (1998, 2007 - 2009)
Member of the Geological Society of Sri Lanka (GSSL)- (1987 todate)
Member of the Institute of Geology Sri Lanka (IGSL)- (2018 todate)
Member of the International Association for Water (IAW)- (2019)
Ongoing Research and Projects

Carrying out Drone Survey (using survey level accurate RTK drone) and obtain Orthomosaics using the survey grade drones (RTK) with the resolution of 1 cm, creating Digital Surface Model (3D model), Baseline video footage along the area under study. Digitize features in the orthomosaic to get the information of count of buildings, existing roads and areas of the different landuse types in the buffer zone, and create Contour dataset with 1 m interval derived from the 3D model in the buffer area of the proposed transmission line and the solar park, Locating the angle tower points up to 1 cm accuracy on ground by pegging.

Carrying out Drone Survey (using survey level accurate RTK drone) and obtain Orthomosaics using the survey grade drones (RTK) with the accuracy of 1 cm, creating Digital Surface Model (3D model), Baseline video footage along the area under study. Digitize features in the orthomosaic to get the information of count of buildings, existing roads and areas of the different landuse types in the buffer zone, and create Contour dataset with 1 m interval derived from the 3D model in the buffer area.

Carrying out Drone Survey (using survey level accurate RTK drone) and obtain Orthomosaics using the survey grade drones (RTK) with the accuracy of 1 cm, creating Digital Surface Model (3D model), Baseline video footage along the area under study. Digitize features in the orthomosaic to get the information of count of buildings, existing roads and areas of the different landuse types in the buffer zone, and create Contour dataset with 1 m interval derived from the 3D model in the buffer area

Carrying out Drone Survey (using survey level accurate RTK drone) and obtain Orthomosaics using the survey grade drones (RTK) with the accuracy of 5 cm, creating Digital Surface Model (3D model), Baseline video footage along the area under study. Digitize features in the orthomosaic to get the information of count of buildings, existing roads and areas of the different landuse types in the buffer zone, and create Contour dataset with 1 m interval derived from the 3D model in the buffer area

Carrying out Drone Survey (using survey level accurate RTK drone) and obtain Orthomosaics using the survey grade drones (RTK) with the resolution of 2 cm or less, creating Digital Surface Model (3D model), Baseline video footage along the (along the axis of the Mahaweli River), Digitize features in the orthomosaic to get the information of count of bamboo trees and to identify suitable areas for bamboo plantation

Carrying out Drone Survey (using survey level accurate RTK drone) and obtain Orthomosaics using the survey grade drones (RTK) with the resolution of 5 cm or less, creating Digital Surface Model (3D model), Baseline video footage along the proposed tunnel trace (along the axis of the trace), Digitize features in the orthomosaic to get the information of count of buildings, existing roads and areas of the different landuse types in the buffer zone, and create Contour dataset with 1 m interval derived from the 3D model in the buffer area

Carrying out Drone Survey (using survey level accurate RTK drone) and obtain Orthomosaics using the survey grade drones (RTK) with the accuracy of 1 cm, creating Digital Surface Model (3D model), Baseline video footage along the proposed expressway trace (along the axis of the trace), Digitize features in the orthomosaic to get the information of count of buildings, existing roads and areas of the different landuse types in the buffer zone, and create Contour dataset with 1 m interval derived from the 3D model in the buffer area

Carrying out RTK Drone Survey (using survey level accurate RTK drone) and obtain Orthomosaics using the survey grade drones (RTK) with the accuracy of 1 cm, creating Digital Surface Model (3D model), Baseline video footage along the area under study. Digitize features in the orthomosaic to get the information of count of buildings, existing roads and areas of the different landuse types in the buffer zone, and create Contour dataset with 1 m interval derived from the 3D model in the buffer area

Carrying out Drone Survey (using survey level accurate RTK drone) and obtain Orthomosaics using the survey grade drones (RTK) with the resolution of 10 cm or less, creating Digital Surface Model (3D model), Baseline video footage along the proposed expressway trace (along the axis of the trace), Digitize features in the orthomosaic to get the information of count of buildings, existing roads and areas of the different landuse types in the buffer zone, and create Contour dataset with 1 m interval derived from the 3D model in the buffer area

Carrying out Drone Survey (using survey level accurate RTK drone) and obtain Orthomosaics using the survey grade drones (RTK) with the resolution of 10 cm or less, creating Digital Surface Model (3D model), Baseline video footage of the proposed land, Digitize features in the orthomosaic to get the information of count of buildings, existing roads and areas of the different landuse types in the buffer zone, and create Contour dataset with 1 m interval derived from the 3D model in the buffer area

Carrying out Drone Survey and obtain video clips using drones with the resolution of 10 cm or less, creating a promotional video indicating different landuse types and topography.

Carrying out Drone Survey (using survey level accurate RTK drone) and obtain Orthomosaics using the survey grade drones (RTK) for creating Digital Surface Model (3D model), along the stockpiles of mineral sands and create Contour dataset with 1 m interval derived from the 3D model and precisely estimate the volume of mineral sands including Ilmenite, Rutile, zircon etc.

Carrying out Drone Survey (using survey level accurate RTK drone) and obtain Orthomosaics using the survey grade drones (RTK) with the resolution of 10 cm or less, creating Digital Surface Model (3D model), Baseline video footage along the proposed expressway trace (along the axis of the trace) and create Contour dataset with 1 m interval derived from the 3D model in the buffer area

Carrying out Drone Survey (using survey level accurate RTK drone) and obtain Orthomosaics using the survey grade drones (RTK) with the resolution of 10 cm or less, creating Digital Surface Model (3D model), Baseline video footage along the proposed expressway trace (along the axis of the trace), Digitize features in the orthomosaic to get the information of count of buildings, existing roads and areas of the different landuse types in the buffer zone, and create Contour dataset with 1 m interval derived from the 3D model in the buffer area

Carrying out Drone Survey (using survey level accurate RTK drone) and obtain Orthomosaics using the survey grade drones (RTK) with the resolution of 10 cm or less, creating Digital Surface Model (3D model), Baseline video footage of the proposed land, Digitize features in the orthomosaic to get the information of count of buildings, existing roads and areas of the different landuse types in the buffer zone, and create Contour dataset with 1 m interval derived from the 3D model in the buffer area. Three land plots each with 500 acres were selected as suitable lands for 10 MW solar parks

Coordination and supervision of Developing a spatial database for proposed roads and bridges, to show the progress of the construction of proposed 100,000 km roads, and the spatial database of the RDA-registered contractors

Review all available geological and structural data of the previous studies, carryout additional study and Interpretation of aerial photos and satellite imagery etc. together with information to be obtained from high resolution drone survey, Reviewing the landslide hazard map of NBRO (1;50,000 and 1:10,000), Review geotechnical properties of rock (and soil); General characteristics of the rock mass along the tunnel route and its surroundings, core drilling investigations on groundwater levels and correlate with geological profiles. Establish the potential locations for water ingresses, to the tunnel to enable evaluation of the effectiveness of remedial and mitigation measures etc

Core drilling, geotechnical investigations for construction of 32 km long tunnel sections and dam foundations

Carryout High Resolution drone Survey (using survey level accurate RTK drone) and obtain Orthomosaics using the survey grade drones (RTK) with the resolution of 10 cm or less, creating Digital Surface Model (3D model). Engineering geological, hydrogeological, and geotechnical investigations for construction of 32 km long tunnel sections and dam foundations

GIS mapping of drinking water sources in Matale, Nuwara Eliya & Monaragala Districts conducted as a phase of the ‘Assisting Communities in Creating Environment and Nutritional Development’ (ACCEND) project, which is funded by European Union (EU).

Slope Stability investigation and design of remedial measures and monitoring

Carryout Geological, engineering geological and structural mapping for entire reservoir area, main dam and saddle dam foundations, 6 km long proposed tunnel trace, 7 km long cannel trace, quarry site and compiling maps and profiles, Compilation of Report.

Carryout Geological, engineering geological and structural mapping for 9 km long proposed alternative tunnel trace, 2-D and 1-D electrical resistivity survey along shallow sections of the tunnel and compiling maps and profiles, Compilation of Report

Carryout Geological, engineering geological and structural mapping for 1 km long proposed tunnel trace, 2-D and 1-D electrical resistivity survey along shallow sections of the tunnel and compiling maps and profiles, Compilation of Report.

30 m high concrete gravity dam, 3 km long cannel and penstock line and power house Position: Team Leader/ Engineering geological and Hydrogeological Consultant Role: Preliminary geotechnical investigation for dam foundation, grout curtain, power house and canal trace of Rwimi Hydropower Project, Kasese, Uganda

Geological and geotechnical aspects for dam foundation, power house and canal trace of Rwimi Hydropower Project, Kasese, Uganda

Engineering Geological, Hydrogeological, and Geotechnical investigations for construction of Thalpitigala (Lower Uma Oya) Hydropower – Irrigation Project 1 km long tunnel section.

Reviewing hydrogeological, geological and geotechnical aspects of the proposed 26 km long tunnel sections (Tunnels 3 & 4) of the Upper Elahera Canal Project, drone survey along critical sections of the proposed tunnel trace, field investigation to identify potential environmental problems, writing review report

Engineering geological, hydrogeological, and geotechnical investigations for major water ingress problem in the construction of 15.2 km long headrace tunnel and 3.5 km ling Link tunnels of Uma Oya Multipurpose Development Project, drone survey along critical sections of the tunnel trace, Monitoring groundwater level variation and proposing mitigation measures to control the tunnel water leakage problem, predicting the subsurface geological and hydrogeological conditions.

Carry out Engineering geological, hydrogeological, and geotechnical investigations for major water ingress problem in the construction of 15.2 km long headrace tunnel and recommending most suitable mitigation measures

Building survey for Kandy city including a high resolution drone survey and compilation of building database for Kandy CBD using drone survey

Drone survey for Kandy city obtaining high resolution drone images and compilation of streetscapes for entire road sections within Kandy CBD.

Conducting geological and hydrogeological study for EIA of Kurunegala - Habarana proposed new railway line extension project including three tunnel sections

Conducting geological and hydrogeological study for EIA of Horana Rathnapura Pelmadulla Proposed Expressway project.

Geological, engineering geological, hydrogeological and structural mapping of 1 km tunnel trace

Study geological and hydrogeological feasibility for constructions of reservoirs, tunnel routes and power houses at 11 proposed locations and select the best 2 alternative sites and the detailed study

Slope stability investigations, Field mapping for landslide prone areas in the reservoir periphery and along the proposed tunnel trace, Compilation of landslide hazard zonation map, propose mitigation measures for potential slope instabilities

investigation of the water leakage at the Right Bank downstream of Nortonbridge Dam, identification of the source and proposing mitigation measures to control the leakage

Investigation of the tunnel for possible leakage locations, carry out dye tests and propose suitable mitigation measures

Investigation of the dam sections for possible leakage locations and propose suitable mitigation measures

Investigation of environmental conditions and proposing mitigation measures to control environmental impacts of the total project area and the surrounding

Investigation of environmental conditions and proposing mitigation measures to control environmental impacts of the total project area and the surrounding

Leading the Design Team of the web Portal, Training staff of the stakeholder Institutions, Collection and formulation of database

Drone imaging, design and compilation of elephant corridors and formulation of database of the landuse including buildings and roads

Design the road trace using maps and satellite images, carryout feasibility study for construction of 2-lane road through existing plantation areas, settlement areas, and forest areas. Compilation of geological and geomorphological maps and profiles to identify the most suitable trace for a highway.

Leading the EIA team, writing reports, carry out geological and engineering geological study, and making presentations to CEA

Leading the EIA team, writing reports, carry out geological and engineering geological study

Supervise field and laboratory investigations, Writing and editing report

Carryout GPR survey to identify the locations of existing buried pipeline to avoid damages by newly constructed offshore pipeline to unload diesel for Kerawalapitiya Diesel Thermal Power Plant

Carryout engineering geological study to identify the foundation conditions of the proposed weir sites, storage tanks and pipelines

Carryout engineering geological study to identify the foundation conditions of the proposed Dam site, Design of grout curtain for the dam, investigation of the foundations for Treatment plant, storage tanks and pipelines.

Engineering geological investigations to identify the source of leakage, right bank ground conditions and identify the most suitable mitigation measures.

Engineering geological investigations to identify the foundation conditions for the construction sites

Consulting the CRI staff of the investigation of the coconut leaf wilt disease, Remote Sensing investigations to identify the affected coconut cultivations and interpret the affected areas by satellite images.

Consulting the Enumerator teams and coordination the questionnaire survey
Awards, Scholarships, Memberships & Fellowships
Presidential Awards for Scientific publications in the year – 2014/2015
NSF SUSRED Awards for promoting postgraduate studies - 2015
NRC Merit Award for Scientific publications - 2014
Japanese Government MONBUSHO Scholarship
AIT Alumni Association Annual research Grant for studying the Reservoir Leakage Problem of the Samanalawewa Hydropower Project, Sri Lanka
My Teachings
GL217: Soil & Rock Mechanics
GL327: Remote Sensing & GIS
GL332: Engineering Geology
GL334: Field Geology
GL418: Advanced Engineering Geology
GL446: Research Project
GL447: Industrial Training
My Publications
Please Update
Disaster Resilience Leadership
University of Peradeniya, Bangkok, Thailand - (13th July, 2013, 13 – 17 May 2013,)
GIS and Applications
conducted at PGIS, University of Peradeniya - (2004 - 2021)
Data Management
University of Peradeniya - (2017 , 2017 , 2018)
Urban Risk Management
at the PGIS, University of Peradeniya. - (October 30 – November 3, 2012)
Incorporating Community Voices Into Research-Led Policy Making For Disaster, Disaster Preparedness, Climate Change And Development
The Post-Graduate Institute of Science (PGIS) - (February 27, 2017)
Research Interests (Research Fields/ Projects)
GIS & Remote Sensing - Spatial data Analysis, Spatial data Infrastructure, Drone Surveys, GNSS
Geological and structural Mapping
Geochemical Investigations
Investigations for Renewable Energy - Solar, Wind, Geothermal
Geotechnical Investigations
Geophysical Investigations
Higher Education Qualifications
Saga University - Japan (2001)
Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) - Thailand (1995)
University of Peradeniya - Sri Lanka (1987)
Key Publications
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